Beurer - Cellulite ReleaZer - ORAS OFFICIAL


Beurer - Cellulite ReleaZer

Sale price$133.00

Cellulite massager reduces cellulite, clinically tested.


The vibration technology of the cellulite releaZer relaxes and firms the deep tissue precisely where it counts. It promotes and accelerates the breakdown of fat molecules in the fat cells and breaks down cellulite in the areas where it is formed.

- Reduces cellulite.
- For noticeably smooth, firm and toned curves.
- Vibration massage for deep tissue toning.
- 2 massage programmes.
- Waterproof, can be used in the shower.
- 3 intensity levels.
- Indicator lamp for speed and battery state display.
- Lithium-ion battery.
- Battery-powered: approx. 10 hours battery life.
- Charger: 3.5 hours charge time.
- Automatic switch-off after 15 mins.
- Non-slip handles with soft-touch surface.
- 4 treatment surfaces (smooth, nubs, blunt edge, and sharp edge).